There is a huge gap between medical care and psychosocial support for the treatment of food allergies. Emily’s course is the remedy.
Emily’s course ... is the bridge between medicine and mom-ing, fusing education, inspiration, support, comfort, and humor into the very scary and frustrating world of pediatric food allergies.
A true advocate for allergy care and caregivers—Emily and her course will help you feel safe and supported.
Monica Auslander Moreno

Emily weaves the traditional Western symptom-based practices for healing children with food allergies with the tools of positive psychology, functional medicine, and eastern philosophy.
She addresses the child and mother's whole body needs, which are both equally important. No one leaves her course unchanged!
She is phenomenal and our go-to food allergy resource. If your child has food allergies, you must take this course!
VP of Community at HATCH

Most moms go into it thinking it’s all about the child. Food allergies affect child, mother, parents, siblings.
Throughout my food allergy journey with Jack, I didn’t expect to change my life alongside him. You’ve been monumental in reminding me to fill my cup and to do it without feeling guilt.
As a result, I feel like I’m a better mom and, therefore, can better manage Jack’s allergies, health, and overall wellness.
Marci Tatham
Food Allergy Mom