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My Holiday Healthy Indulgence

The holidays are here for our family--Halloween, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah and Christmas--and after the arrival of Oliver, we have found ourselves gratefully stuffed with "congratulations baked goods" and bagel trays. Not that there's anything wrong with all the goodies, but I'm ready to jump back on the #healthwarrior train and eat food that actually feeds me. Especially since I'm feeding two now, and nutrition is more important than ever.

Health warrior launched a new pumpkin seed bar that's perfect for the fall flavor palette with dark chocolate, coconut, and almond, all without the added sugar of Halloween candy bars. I love that I have a healthy option to snack on for added fuel during my days, without the sugar high and low that the holiday treats leave me with. That's not to say I won't be having pumpkin pie or candied sweet potatoes this year...just saying that when they're gone, I'll have a healthy, nutritious option to turn to that gives me the same level of comfort when I eat it.Use the code "PrettyBrave20" at checkout for 20% OFF your entire Health Warrior purchase.

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