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The One Tip I Always Give New Parents

There is ONE TIP I always give new parents, even if they don't ask. (And they don't ask because they have NO IDEA yet).

Take @takingcarababies sleep courses! Trying a million ways to get your baby to sleep can be devastatingly challenging. There are SO many methods, and so many right ways for each family (this sleep coaching method happens to be the way my family chose).

I took all of Cara's sleep courses and hopped on a call with her team during Ollie's six-month sleep regression, which was...BRUTAL. I was exhausted and probably cried more than my baby. After getting on the phone with Cara's team, and in two days time, Ollie was back on track. My strong little sleeper was crushing it. I don't want you to think teaching your child to sleep is a bad thing. It was the very first skill Ollie learned to master on his own. He learned this skill before eating solids and before swimming.

I love teaching him new skills so eventually he can be confidently independent-ish. I TOTALLY still want him to need his mama though...I'm still working on devising some type of plan. :)

It is INCREDIBLY empowering to watch him take flight in his dreams, give me signals that he's ready for bed, and be confident enough to put himself to sleep when he lays down. I highly recommend helping your child learn this skill. It not only makes for a happy family, but it makes for a very happy baby. At least, my baby. :)

Wishing you all the ZZZs in the world!

Photo @christinacraddock

Adorable animal heads courtesy of @fionawalkerengland

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